Greek Schools

Our beloved Greek Schools have been operating for over 30 years in our Church. We have had a multitude of different teachers over these years who have enriched the lives of our Greek School students. A large number of our parishioners commenced their Greek School studies at St. Anthony Church when they were young and are now sending their own children to St. Anthony’s Greek School as well.

Our new principal – Ms. Anastasia Dimopoulou who has recently taken over from Mrs. Militsa Papacharalambous is an asset to our Greek School and is very much loved by students and parents alike.

A special mention as well to our previous principal – Mrs. Militsa Papacharalambous who tirelessly worked with love and passion for our Greek Schools for over 16 years.

Presently, our classes are held twice a week at Prospect Primary School and Blackfriars Priory School.

We would sincerely like to thank the Community Language Schools of Sth. Australia (CLSSA) for their valuable support and assistance over many years for our beloved Greek Schools – our Schools would simply not function without their support.

For further information regarding enrolments and classes etc. please contact our Principal – Ms. Anastasia Dimopoulou on 0410 669 311.

We sincerely thank you for your support during the difficult Covid times (2020-2021) and we look forward to seeing you all again this year in 2022. Please note that there are some changes and updates that you should be aware of that have been made by the Ethnic Schools Association of Sth. Australia in order for your child to be enrolled and attend Greek lessons. 

From 2021, all Ethnic Schools cannot accept paper Enrolment Forms, and all enrolments will be completed online (as decided by the CLSSA) 

You will need to log in to a unique link (please contact our principle, Anastasia or email us at and we will supply the link to you.

1)    Complete the online Enrolment form, for each of your children

2)    Double-check the accuracy of the information provided

3)    Once the Enrolment Form is submitted, you must wait till it will be accepted from the school. Remember, this is only an application. You will be notified by email, if your application has been accepted.

Please note that students SHOULD NOT attend lessons until they have been enrolled and accepted from the Online system. This includes the first day of lessons. Therefore, please submit prior to the commencement of lessons.

God Bless – St. Anthony’s Greek School

There are School Enrolment Forms below which may only be used as a reference


For more images of our wonderful Students and Teachers, just click on the Photos Page for more.